Horrible Endings Short Stories

Welcome to the Horrible Endings resource page!

You can find a behind-the-scenes look here with lots of extra information about the stories and why I wrote them. As they are published, I’ll add more details and videos for each individual story, so check back often for updates.


 Where to buy?

You can get all the short stories exclusively at Amazon, only in ebook format for now. The collection with all of them, including new stories, will be in print as well. But for the short ones, there’s only a digital version.


Coming Soon:

  • A collection of 10 (or so) more short stories all bundled into one book.


General information

Let’s start things off with a video that gives you more background information on the whole idea of this series:

And now for the short stories themselves:

Deadly Sin #3

Buy “Deadly Sin #3” here.



 Cold Death

Buy “Cold Death” here.



Stairway to Death

Buy “Stairway to Death” here.



 Dead End

Buy “Dead End” here.

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