The Fighter’s Guide to Hard-core Heavy Bag Training


Welcome to the resources page for The Fighter’s Guide To Hard-Core Heavy Bag Training. Here you can find the information mentioned in the book, but also a lot more.


Where to buy?

You can get the book in paper and ebook at Amazon and the other retailers in this list here below.

Available at :


The Video

There is a professionally shot and edited video available as a complement to this book. It brings to live a lot of the content from the book, but adds even more things that couldn’t be put on paper. My goal for this project was to offer both book and video as a set, so they are designed to complement each other. You can buy it here.

Here is a preview:


In the book, I point to this resources page for additional information. Everything is listed here below per chapter. As time goes by, I will add more content to this page. All products are listed for your convenience only, as a starting point to help you buy the equipment you are looking for. I do not endorse any of these products or brands, unless specifically stated.


Chapter 1: Kinetic Energy: Five Types of Impact


Chapter 2: Heavy Bag: How to Chose One and Take Care of It

Types of heavy bags:


Chapter 2: How to Attach a Heavy Bag



Chapter 4: Nuts and Bolts


Chapter 5: Basic and Advanced Training Concepts for the Heavy Bag

  • Reverse Pyramid Interval Training:


Chapter 11: Precision Hitting Enhancers


I hope you enjoyed this resources section.

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